Sunday, May 16

Cheers to a great summer - and, we're off!

Welcome to the CMU McNair Scholar Blog! This will be a place for sharing ideas during what I'm sure will be a productive summer experience. It is an honor to work with each of you as you begin your graduate school journey. Our intention is to support you in every way possible and to ultimately see you achieve great success! Besides engaging in your research, the biggest goal of the summer is to arrive at a good mix of schools that you believe will result in a suitable match for you. This will require great exploration, patience and hard work. It also requires a belief that it can be done and will be done. As long as you are putting forth honest effort - you will find the right path for you. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day to begin your journey. What will YOU do with the resources provided by the McNair program.


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