Sunday, January 16

Reaching Out and Connecting With Others

What a fabulous exchange on Friday, if I may say! I feel like I say this all of the time (and I do), but what makes this program ultra-cool is having such wonderful people involved in it – like each of you and our great faculty mentors. We are very lucky, for sure. One of the things that we stress in McNair is reaching out and connecting with others, whether it is developing friendships with fellow scholars, developing professional relationships with your research mentors and faculty at prospective grad programs or developing relationships with each of us in the office. I think it’s pretty clear that we are all in the business of supporting and being there for one another. Again, aren’t we lucky?! I love this time of year when we have our continuing scholars starting to reap the benefits of all of their hard work and we have our new scholars just starting out on that path. I hope you all enjoyed the “dinner and dialogue” on Friday, as it is a great start for connections that will be strengthened this semester and beyond. I know that not everyone could meet and connect, but there will be ample opportunities to see each through various upcoming social events, research presentations, and such. We are encouraging each of you to meet with your scholar mentor and scholar mentee and we hope you do that in a meaningful way. It’s one of the greatest benefits of the program. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I honestly can't believe that it has already been a year since I was a new scholar and all the wonderful things I have accomplished in that year is still blows me away. Remember new scholars you get out of McNair what you put into it so the harder you work the great the experience. Enjoy!



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